Project Title:Collaboration and Cooperation at various International Fora, as required and subject to consensus.
Leading Office:CGPDTM-India
Focus on: International cooperation in the field of IPR. To project BRICS, as a strong force in the matter of International IPR Cooperation policy and issues at different forum with a particular focus in WIPO.
Description:The importance of IPR in the international domain is increasing day by day. In every sphere of economic and business and trade issues, IPR has become an essential tool. This has led to various discussions at different international forums including WIPO. There may be various implications to these discussions in terms of development of the international framework in different fields of IPR. This may also have severe implications for the various other groups that BRICS countries are also members and requires attention. The project has a two-pronged approach in taking up issues at various international fora, namely, 1) General, and 2) Country specific. General aspects would include such issues of common interest as all the IP Offices may agree to discuss and pursue. In the second aspect, each country may identify issues on which it would like to solicit support from other BRICS Nations.
Expected Outcomes:Larger International IPR cooperation among the BRICS countries and improved influence of BRICS Offices within WIPO and other international Forums for framing of policies which are beneficial to the people of all BRICS countries.